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Welcome to your new Trust website

As part of the Trust's communications strategy for 2020/21, this new website has been created by our communications and engagement team to bring you everything you need to know about the Supporters' Trust, ECFC, and the wider world of football fandom and the Supporters' Trust movement.

Throughout the summer, the team have been working on the production of the website as one part of a new comms strategy for the 2020/21 season, which has sought to recognise and deliver on the comments and suggestions made by our supporters' over the course of the past season.

Over the coming weeks and months we will be bringing you more information and features than ever before from the world of Exeter City Football Club and beyond, so do come and check in with us throughout the week for updates.

As always we welcome all input from our supporters, so if you have any thoughts and ideas on the things that you'd like to see on these pages, then please contact

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