Exeter City Supporters Society Ltd Annual General Meeting
This year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at the Exeter Phoenix on Saturday, November 21 at 11.00am, prior to the home game v Oldham Athletic.

With COVID 19 restrictions, at this stage it is difficult to predict whether we will be allowed or should hold an in person AGM in November.
The Trust Board is making preparations for the AGM to proceed in person at Exeter Phoenix and remotely using Zoom.
For the AGM notification letter and draft minutes of the 2019 AGM, please click here
The arrangements for submission of a resolution to the AGM are described in the Trust Rules which can be found by clicking here
The deadline for submission by members of resolutions and justification for the resolution and items for the AGM agenda is noon on Saturday, October 24, 2020.
Proxy nominations for the 2020 Trust AGM must be received at St James Park no later than 48 hours prior to the AGM. This deadline is therefore 11.00 am on Thursday, November 19, 2020.
If you have any questions in regard to the AGM please contact the Trust Secretary, Phil Burden via enquiries@weownexetercityfc.co.uk
Nominations for the Exeter City Supporters Society Ltd Trust Board
Now is your opportunity if you would like to seek nomination for election as a Trustee of the Exeter City AFC Supporters Society Ltd. The following Trustees are standing down at the 2020 AGM:
· Mark Cordell
· Douglas Gillard
· Nick Hawker
· Peter Martin
Under Trust Rule 49 Nick Hawker, Doug Gillard and Pete Martin have all reached the end of their three year terms on the Trust Board. Additionally Mark Cordell has volunteered to step down under Trust Rule 51 which states that one third of Trustees must resign each year. All four of them may seek nomination for the Trust Board this year should they decide they want to.
To assist in helping you decide if you wish to seek nomination to stand for election, an information pack that explains the role of a Trust Board member and the Election Campaigning Policy can be found here along with the arrangements for completing a valid nomination form.
Nominations should be despatched to arrive with the Returning Officer no later than noon on October 17, 2020.
The 2020 Trust Board Election will be the first to use electronic voting, should the election be contested utilising the Election Runner software package.
The voting system utilises the trust members registered email address for the vote. The system provides for reminders to voters throughout the voting period.
The Trust still has a small number of members (around 5%) for which we do not have email addresses. Therefore, for any 2020 election a paper ballot will be provided for those members.
With COVID 19 restrictions it is difficult to predict whether we will be allowed or should hold any in person events in support of the election campaign. Therefore, the Trust Board is preparing for both in person and remote events using Zoom.
Final arrangements will be made nearer to the election period in consultation with our returning officer and current government guidance.
Following on from comments received following the 2019 election the Hustings will be the initial event of the election campaign. The voting period will not commence until after the hustings.
The hustings will take place on Saturday, November 7, 2020.
At this stage it is not possible to say whether the hustings will be held in person or via Zoom. It is planned to record the hustings and for it to be made available for those not able to attend in person.
If you have any questions or would like further information, please email the Trust Secretary at enquiries@weownexetercityfc.co.uk
