Chat to Wayne Carlisle, Ben Watson and Dean Moxey with a curry!
Join us at St James Park on Friday, June 24 as we host a special event to celebrate the back-to-back promotions of 2007-09.
The event, a fundraiser for 'Kit out the Cliff' will see City's assistant manager Wayne Carlisle joined by former Grecians Dean Moxey and Ben Watson to share their stories of promotion and being a Grecian as well as a Q&A session.
The evening will also mark the official opening of the dedicated Museum room at the Park.
The event takes place in the Trust Suite at St James Park from 7pm for a 7:30pm start until 10:30pm and costs just £20 per-person, including a curry and dessert.
Funds raised from the evening will go towards the 'Kit out the Cliff' fundraising appeal which has already raised £22,000 towards the target of £50,000 which will help to make sure the new facility is fit for our League One team!
If you would like to donate directly to 'Kit out the Cliff' you can to the following account:
ECFCST Light up the Park
Sort Code: 30-80-37.
Account: 10751963
To book tickets for the event, please click here.