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Trust Board Election 2020

Following the review of nominations by the Trust Returning Officer, six valid candidates have been proposed for four positions and therefore an election to the Trust Board will take place this year.

The six candidates in alphabetical order are:

· Mark Cordell

· Doug Gillard

· Nick Hawker

· Luke Jones

· Kayleigh-Jade West

· Alistair Yates

The 2020 election campaign will commence in full on Saturday, November 7, at 11am with a hustings meeting. As always, members are invited to submit questions for the candidates at the hustings, so please submit you questions via

Given government COVID-19 restrictions, the hustings will take place online using a similar format to that adopted for recent fans' forums. The hustings will also be recorded and made available to view online for those unable to join us on the day itself.

Candidate photographs and election manifestos will be added to the trust website and voting in the election will open following the hustings meeting.

This year's election will be the first to utilise electronic voting. For the 95% of trust members where we hold an email address, you will receive an electronic ballot to your email address held by the trust following the hustings.

Should you wish to update - or provide us with - your email address ahead of the election period, then please do contact us as soon as you can.

Ballot papers for the remaining 5% of Trust members will be sent out in the week prior to Saturday, November 7, in time for the hustings.

Ballot boxes will be available in the club shop at St James Park. Members intending to use these ballot boxes should check both club and shop opening times prior to visiting SJP to place your vote.

The closing date for returning your vote either electronically or by Ballot Paper is 17th November 2020 by 5.00pm.

The results of the 2020 trust board election will be announced at the Trust AGM to be held on Saturday, November 21, 2020.

A separate announcement will be made about the AGM arrangements which will also be held virtually.

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