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Ticket Ballot for Community Shield now open

Members can apply for ballot now

We're excited to announce the ticket ballot for the Community Shield between Manchester City and Manchester United on Saturday August 10 is now open for Trust members.

As an EFL club we are allocated tickets which we distribute to Trust members, rather than our Boards, a tradition we hold for all major cup finals at Wembley.

The Club has been allocated four tickets, two pairs, for the Community Shield featuring the winners of the 2023/24 Emirates FA Cup, Manchester United, playing the current Premier League champions, Manchester City. The kick off this year is at 15:00.


This year both pairs are available for our draw with Trust Members, in membership as at Friday 19 July, being able to apply to buy them,


Both pairs will be, as is usual, seats in prime locations, one pair in the Manchester United area; and one in the Manchester City area.


All tickets are sold at face value, £45 a ticket but sold as pairs so £90 for a pair. Tickets are electronic so can be forwarded to whoever buys them.


If you are a winner and you and/or the person who goes with you wish to wear colours then they can only be those of the applicable team who’s area you are in.


Please reply by return if you are interested in buying a pair by close FRIDAY 2 AUGUST and then I will advise if there needs to be a draw or whether you have won the right to buy them without one. If a draw is necessary we’ll do that over the weekend and advise the winners as soon as possible afterwards.


When replying you must specify which team’s tickets you are interested in, United, City, or Either.


We will then do a draw from the relevant applications to determine the winners of each pair.


Winners will need to sign an agreement as to what you will do with the tickets and this includes using one of them yourself and taking a friend with you. Under no circumstances can the tickets be resold/sold on and you must comply with all FA and Wembley T&Cs.


When replying please supply the following information in this order to



Trust Membership No:

Team or Either:

Home Address:

Email Address:

Mobile No:

Home No:

Work No:


If you have any queries email Neil at the address .


If you want to know anymore about the Community Shield and Wembley itself, including their restrictive bag policy, then go to:


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