Full results of our Trust Ballot
In another return to normality the draw for the right to buy two pairs of FA Cup Final tickets has now been done for the very first time since 2019 and a very good outcome as usual with some very happy winners.
As is usual the Club, along with every other club that enters, is given the opportunity to buy some tickets for the FA Cup Final. As a second division club we can buy ten and they are some of the very best seats in the house. These are then split between the Club and the Trust, three pairs and two pairs respectively which alternates for each final – this year it was the Trust’s turn to have the three pairs.
Exeter are either the only club, or one of a very few clubs, that passes tickets on to ordinary supporters in this way.
The Club had two pairs of tickets for the Liverpool area and the Trust three pairs for the Chelsea area. All the tickets are in pairs at a cost of £290, £145 each.
There were twenty two entries received, two of which were rejected as they had only joined the Trust the day after the draw was announced but full credit to them as they have not asked for their money back.
We drew three winners and three runners up in case any of the original winners decline the offer of tickets.
The winners, who have all accepted their ticket offers, were: Joe Badcock, Peter Evans, and Joel Foster.
The next draw will be for the Community Shield in July/August. Watch out for details in due course.