Hello and welcome to the latest online edition of the Trust newsletter.

Secret Santa 2020 - An Exeter Christmas Initiative
2020 has been a difficult year for all of us. Through two lockdowns, many individuals and families across the city have struggled to make ends meet due to being made redundant, being put on furlough, or because they were already coping with multiple stressors before the pandemic.

At Exeter Community Initiatives, we've been working as part of the Exeter Community Wellbeing response being coordinated by the city council; helping direct individuals, families and community organisations to the support that they need.
Our Community Builders have been working flat-out across all 13 wards in the city to support local people and groups as they, in turn, support people in their local communities.
Our Devon Family Resource, Transitions and Parent Progression teams have worked hard to ensure no drop-off in their services due to having to work remotely. At Bike Bank, our Trainee Bike Mechanics have continued to work with their mentors to learn new skills and build their self-confidence and employability.
Exeter Connect, a new service that we launched in partnership with Exeter City Council recently, has been supporting community and voluntary sector organisations as they come up with innovative ways to make a difference to the lives of their fellow Exonians.
With the support of The Supporters' Trust, we want to do more. We know that many of you will be missing out on staff parties or such festivities in the coming weeks. We'd like to give you an opportunity to engage with and support the people in your city.
We are going to send a gift to those people who we know might be facing a tough festive period. Think of it as a replacement for the office Secret Santa where you might end up with a book you'll never read, or a pair of novelty socks that will spend 11 months of every year stuffed at the back of a drawer somewhere.
If you can spare £5, £10 or even £20, we will send a gift of equal value to an individual or family who we know could use a little festive cheer.
Will you be someone's Secret Santa this Christmas?
Thanks, and Merry Christmas from the teams at Exeter Community Initiatives and Exeter City FC Supporters' Trust
Introducing the new Trust membership secretary - Celia Loman I am delighted to introduce myself to all of you as the new Trust membership secretary. As a German native, I came to Exeter 14 years ago with my husband who is from the area and has been a City fan all his life.

I have run my own company Office Work Software for the last eight years located right here in the city by the clock tower.
After attending games with our eldest son and now having two more young children, I have been extremely impressed with the fantastic inclusive atmosphere at the club and the excellent facilities for families the club provides, including the wonderful Junior Grecians membership.
In Germany, fan ownership of clubs is mandatory, and this has proved so important as the Bundesliga has grown into a global brand. It has enabled all clubs to retain their local identity and allowed fans a true voice in how their club is run.
As one of only three clubs in the whole of the English Football League that are fan owned, the same is true here at City in that all fans have a voice.
I cannot emphasise enough the importance of the Trust and that all members do truly have an equal say should they wish to be heard on any issue big or small.
To all members, long standing or new, I assure you the club is extremely grateful for your support. I urge anyone who is not already a member of the Trust to please consider joining, all money raised is invested directly into your football club.
I hope to see as many of you as possible when matchdays return to normal to put faces to names. I wish the very best of health to all of you and your families. Up the City!
If you have any queries about your membership or would like to join the Trust, please contact Celia at trust.membership@ecfc.co.uk
Election Results 2020
The results of the Trust board election were announced yesterday morning at the Annual General Meeting of the The Exeter City AFC Supporters Society (the Trust).
Mark Cordell, Doug Gillard, Nick Hawker and Kayleigh-Jade West are duly elected to represent the members of the Supporters' Trust on the Trust board... Read more here

Defibrillator Project and Fundraising Success Only days after asking for donations to enable us to site a defibrillator close to the 3G pitch at the Cliff Hill Training Ground, we have reached our target of £1,100... Read more here

Additional Links
Trust Podcast... Listen here Trust Snood... Order here
